APEIC New Worshiping Community has first gathering!

ALL PEOPLE ECUMENICAL/INTERCULTURAL COMMUNITY (APEIC) is an ecumenical, intercultural, interfaith and international community of worshippers that seeks to claim, live and proclaim the vision of the Pentecost church gathering, (Joel 2, Isaiah 66:18, and Acts 2). APEIC values, incorporates and celebrate differences. It is in fact an intersection where differences meet. People from every nation, tribe and language are invited and welcomed to freely and safely share their different faith journeys in a secure and supportive environment of love and respect.

For long we build churches and worshiping communities of sameness and similarities and yet, a Gospel that intended to be global with the intention of “making disciples of all nations” cannot be limited to one people, one race or one culture. A church that was born globally (Acts 2) cannot be contained in one form of worship or one form of spiritual practice.

How we do this? Well, come and see!

Worship: 5:30pm Second Sunday of each month! (Current) @ Grace Presbyterian Church in Highlands Ranch

New Worship time will start January 2024 will be at 5:30pm the First Sunday of the month!

Questions? Contact Rev. Raafat Garagis at rsgirgis@icloud.com