Fifteen Delegation Members from Denver, Wyoming & Heartland Presbytery visit The Border

Fifteen delegation members from the Denver, Wyoming & Heartland Presbytery have just returned from a trip to the towns of Agua Prieta, Sonora & Douglas, AZ. under the leadership of Frontera de Cristo, a PC(USA) Mexican- US border ministry. This border ministry is a partnership of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico & the PC(USA). Our purpose was to learn the realities of life in the borderlands among migrants, asylum seekers & communities. We walked & prayed along the U.S. side of the border wall as sun set behind the mountains. We experienced the very welcoming hospitality & worship with our host, the Lirio de los Valles Presbyteriana Church in Agua Prieta. We met with the staff and clients of the ministries of Frontera de Cristo & its partners serving asylum- seeking families- Douglas/Prieta Trabaja (a self sufficiency model for families living in poor neighborhood of Agua Prieta), CRREDA-a drug rehab center of addicts helping addicts and CAME- a hospitality center for migrants where we heard their stories. We walked in the desert where migrants have travelled encountering the waterless terrain, as well as had time with the US Border Patrol. We participated in Agua Prieta festivities & ended our time with Robert Uribe, the mayor of Douglas talking about the joys & challenges of life on the border. This PC(USA) border ministry encourages compassionate giving, receiving, learning, growing & spiritual illumination. We encourage you to experience it for yourself!